Green Tea & Tamarind Facial Cleanser

Green Tea & Tamarind Facial Cleanser
4.8  |  24 REVIEWS

Purifying and pampering, Green Tea & Tamarind Facial Cleanser is formulated with a unique of blend of botanicals rich in vitamins and antioxidants. The soothing base of aloe vera juice is infused with extracts of star fruit, green tea and tamarind to draw out toxins and maintain healthy, glowing skin.

Key Ingredients :
Aloe vera juice is known for its healing properties. Star fruit contains Vitamin C, which promotes healthy skin cell production. Green tea and tamarind are rich in antioxidants that may prevent radical scavenging.

USD 15.00


Lulu Makluna | South Jakarta, Indonesia
6 months ago
setelah satu bulan pemakaian
hasilnya lembut, kulit terasa lebih bersih dan jerawat berkurang
Niza | Singapore, Singapore
7 months ago
More to come...
Loving the smell, so much better than the brand Ae***... I changed brand due to I support humanity!
Felicia | Jawa Barat, Indonesia
1 years ago
Perfect for daily use with a reasonable price
Great and does not leave a tight or dry skin afterward. Love the smells!
Ricky | Indonesia
1 years ago
The Best Facial Cleanser!
Tekstur sangat nyaman di wajah, mudah di bilas, relaxing aroma, dan setelah cuci muka wajah terasa segar dan nggak ketarik
Lusty | Jawa Barat, Indonesia
2 years ago
Bersih yang melembabkan
2 tetes sudah cukup untuk membersihkan muka. Tetap lembab di wajah, bersih tanpa busa berlebih,wajah tidak ketarik. Aku & suami cocok pakai ini