Cleopatra's Rose Facial Cleanser

Cleopatra's Rose Facial Cleanser
5  |  13 REVIEWS

If Cleopatra were here today, this would be her cleanser of choice. Featuring a luxurious blend of rose petal, geranium and hibiscus plant actives, this soap-free formula cleanses while softening and strengthening skin. Pure aloe vera juice adds a hydrating base. Skin looks and feels vibrantly refreshed.

Key Ingredients :
Aloe vera juice contains phytonutrients that assist with healing and reducing inflammation. Rose petal oil has potential anti-aging properties. Geranium oil acts as a rejuvenating agent. Hibiscus oil is rich in antioxidants.

USD 15.50


Bree | Vic, Australia
8 months ago
Love it
This is my favourite cleansing - beautiful and gentle.
Nastya | United Arab Emirates
1 years ago
Good aroma, my skin face happy
Najarudin | Indonesia
2 years ago
Wajah jadi fresh dan lembut. Rekomendasi 👍
Naflah | DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
2 years ago
Best Facial Wash!
baunya juara enak dan nenangin banget. Dipakai dikit aja cukup untuk bersihin wajah dan gak bikin wajah ketarik, bahkan melembabkan.
Ayu | Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
2 years ago
Lembab dan segar
Sudah pembelian kedua dipakai suami, kulit wajah bersih, lembab dan terasa segar