Lemongrass Botanical Lotion

Lemongrass Botanical Lotion
5  |  7 REVIEWS

Lemongrass Botanical Lotion has a lovely fragrance that is pleasing to people but offensive to insects. Made with all-natural ingredients like coconut oil, lemongrass and lemon myrtle oil, the refreshingly light formula is gentle enough for all skin types. This a must-have item for active types who love exploring nature.

Key Ingredients :
Coconut oil is an excellent emollient. Lemongrass and peppermint are natural insect repellents. Lemon myrtle has an uplifting aroma that can help improve mood and promote a positive outlook.

USD 12.00


Erik | Fl, United States
5 months ago
Obsessed with this lotion since our trip to Bali literally everyday I get asked what I am wearing
Afifah nazhirah | Indonesia
8 months ago
love it
gakehitung ini udah botol keberapa karena repurchase terus, suka banget sama wanginya yg tahan lama dan calming terus juga ga lengket
Made Devy | Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
1 years ago
Benar-benar anti nyamuk
Aromanya enak sekali dan tidak lengket di kulit. Benar-benar anti nyamuk.
Paoela | Riau, Indonesia
2 years ago
Wanginya enak
Lotion ini ampuh menahan gangguan serangga. Lumayan tahan lama sih klo menurut aku, gak harus dipakai berulang-ulang. Wanginya enak, dan yang penting, kita yang pakai merasa aman
Marini | Indonesia
2 years ago
The best natural mosquito repellent
I love this Lemongrass Botanical Lotion. It repels mosquitos without nasty chemicals and very gentle on skin. It has a very strong lemongrass smell which I love. I have repurchased this lotion many times and will always be my essential item in my bag.