Balinese Herbal Lulur Natural Soap

Balinese Herbal Lulur Natural Soap
5  |  1 REVIEWS

Lulur is an ancient Balinese remedy traditionally used to alleviate muscle pain and brighten a dull complexion. Gentle enough for sensitive skin, this palm oil-free soap includes geranium, ylang ylang and sandalwood oils for a sweet herbal aroma. The rich base of coconut oil and shea butter soothes and protects against daily stressors.

Key Ingredients :
Geranium oil contains antibacterial properties that promote healthy, glowing skin. Ylang ylang is a native Indonesian flower with a clean and calming scent. Sandalwood is said to prevent premature ageing.

USD 9.00


Anindita | Indonesia
2 years ago
Experience Bali In One Lather
Wanginya khas Bali banget, relaxing and uplifting. Gak ada lawan! Aroma Bali nya pas. It’s just perfect. Belum pernah ketemu sabun bali lain yang bisa mendekati aroma ini. Praktis buat dibawa travelling. I wish Sensatia bikin versi liquid body wash dengan aroma ini.