Lemongrass Essential Oil

Lemongrass Essential Oil
4.5  |  6 REVIEWS

Refreshing Lemongrass Essential Oil has a unique fragrance that boosts energy levels and promotes a positive outlook. Premium oils hydrate and smooth the skin for a youthful, renewed look. Perfect for jet lag, fatigue or when you’re not feeling quite yourself, this pure essential oil is an invigorating pick-me-up.

Key Ingredients:
Lemongrass has a clean citrusy scent that acts as a natural antidepressant. The antiseptic and astringent properties help to fight acne and even out skin. It can also assist in relieving headaches and easing muscle pain.

USD 8.50


Felicia | Jawa Barat, Indonesia
5 months ago
Pretty much I need for daily aromatherapy
Repurchased many times
Rani | Indonesia
12 months ago
Review lemongrass
Not a big fan for this one .. smells weird for me.. i used it with diffuser..
Ananta | Indonesia
2 years ago
Healing Best Friend
Seharian capek kerja, pakai ini dicampur di air hangat rasanya lega banget. Formulanya juga bagus bisa cepet menyatu dengan air.
Lisa Marcelia | Indonesia
2 years ago
Recent favorite essential oil
Jujur bukan pecinta wangi sereh, karena mikirnya kaya bau minyak-minyak sereh buat bentol lol. Tapi nyobain essential oil sereh yang ini malah jatuh cinta. Sekarang tuh seneng banget begitu buka pintu kamar wangi sereh bikin relax dan kaya di hotel-hotel mewah bali.
Verra | Jawa Barat, Indonesia
2 years ago
Fav Smell
Wangi lemongrass awet untuk beberapa jam, bisa untuk burning oil, atau dicampur difuser.