Seastem Marine Essence

Seastem Marine Essence
4.9  |  39 REVIEWS

Lightweight and fragrance-free, this age-defying essence is infused with fortifying marine nutrients to replenish skin and help minimize pores. Giant sea kelp extract not only hydrates and helps even out skin tone, but it also helps protect skin against environmental stressors. The result is radiant, balanced skin that can take on the world.

Key Ingredients:
Giant sea kelp is the fastest growing organism on the planet. It has anti-aging properties that help protect skin against damaging pollutants. Licorice extract can have a brightening effect on skin. Plant-derived niacinamide helps to minimize pores and even out skin tone.

USD 35.00


Nur | Indonesia
10 hours ago
Menyegarkan saat dipakai
Kadek | Bali, Indonesia
4 months ago
Favorit essence
Entah sudah berapa botol habis, kadang beli di storenya langsung, kadang di websitenya kadang ke shopee. Kulit jadi plump setelah pakai essence ini, lebih cerah juga. Sempet ganti tapi ujung2nya selalu pakai yg ini lagi. Btw aku udah botol ke 10 mungkin. Dan botol kosongnya selalu aku balikin ke tokonya lumayan buat poin utk potongan belanja 😁
Natalia | Harju, Estonia
7 months ago
Very moisturizing
I really like moisturizing effect of this essence
Nadia | Indonesia
1 years ago
Essence paling manjur
Produk paling favorit. Udh berbotol2 habis. Tidak beraroma tapi dipakainya terasa kesat, bikin kulit terlihat sehat dan kembali ke warna asli
Ananta | Indonesia
2 years ago
I like this essence
Awalnya takut pake essence karena biasanya gak cocok atau malah jadi over-moisturizing, tapi gak dengan essence ini karena formulanya bagus dan cepet menyerap ke kulit. Bikin kulit jadi halus, lembab dan cerah