Hinako Bloom Natural Deodorant

Hinako Bloom Natural Deodorant
4.8  |  17 REVIEWS

Exotic tropical flowers give Hinako Bloom Natural Deodorant a refreshingly floral and feminine aroma. The botanical extracts work together to minimize body odor naturally. Skin gets a boost of vitamins and antioxidants for a softer, smoother look and feel. The unique formula also helps balance oil production.

Key Ingredients:
Pandan leaf is a natural deodorant that helps to minimize unpleasant odors. Jicama is high in vitamins B and C, which promote new skin cell growth for smoother skin. Jicama is also known to have a naturally lightening effect. Ylang ylang helps to regulate sebum production.

USD 16.50
USD 14.85
10% OFF


Lusty | Jawa Barat, Indonesia
1 years ago
Deo favorit
Di antara deo sensastia,ini yang favorit. Karena harum bunga lembut, tekstur sama seperti yang lain. Agak berair warna putih tapi tidak meninggalkan noda di baju. Bekas keloid di ketiak,jg ikutan halus tidak lagi menonjol
Anindita | Indonesia
2 years ago
Natural Deodorant untuk kulit sensitif
Cari natural deodorant itu gampang gampang susah. Pernah kapok karena kandungan essential oil nya bikin kulit iritasi kemerahan. Tapi Hinako Bloom Natural Deodorant ini beda. Formulanya pas untuk kulit sensitif, wanginya juga lembut dan segar, bukan wangi menyengat.
Paoela | Riau, Indonesia
2 years ago
Tidak meninggalkan bekas di pakaian
Wanginya enak, tidak terlalu kuat. Tidak mengiritasi kulit dan tidak meninggalkan bekas di pakaian.
Richie | DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
2 years ago
First Natural Deodorant (and a Great One)
Decided to try natural deodorants and this became my first one. The texture and formulation makes this comfortable and smooth to apply. I have also the unscented one and I like this one better. It has a floral scent, but very soft and subtle. Love how their natural deodorants are formulated with niacinamide! Might try the Molucca Spice one next.
Ayu | Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
2 years ago
Aroma bunga lembut cocok utk wanita
Memiliki aroma bunga yang lembut dan tidak lengket, cocok dipakai wanita