Seaside Citrus Sea Salt Scrub

Seaside Citrus Sea Salt Scrub
4.8  |  6 REVIEWS

Made with organic sea salt harvested on the east coast of Bali, this mineral-rich body scrub exfoliates to remove excess dirt and rejuvenate the skin. The active botanicals from lavender, rosemary and white grapefruit add a refreshing fragrance and provide nutrients that can help protect and improve elasticity.

Key Ingredients :
Organic sea salt is a natural, environmentally friendly exfoliant. Grapefruit is known to contain antioxidants and antibacterial properties. Shea butter can help reduce fine lines and cellulite.

USD 30.00


Faina | Indonesia
3 months ago
Gentle scrub
The smell is amazing but the texture melts to fast. If you need a gentle scrub you may like it though
Ayu | Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
2 years ago
Aroma segar dan tekstur tidak kasar
Suka dengan aroma citrus yang menyegarkan dan teksturnya pas tidak kasar di kulit
Antony | Indonesia
2 years ago
Seaside Citrus Series
So, this is how it works. Use this Seaside Citrus scrub along with Seaside Citrus soap, Seaside Citrus body butter, and diffuse Seaside Citrus essential oil. Trust me! You will feel heaven on earth, physically and mentally.
Andiyani | Jawa Barat, Indonesia
2 years ago
Love it
Suka banget sama teksturnya yang lembut walau ini scrub, harumnya menenangkan dan menyegarkan juga efeknya dikulit cukup lembut, akan coba varian lainnya
Marcella | Indonesia
2 years ago
Aku beli scrub ini berbarengan dengan bubble bath. Awalnya udah takut kalau scrub biasanya tu sakit kasar bikin kulit aku lecet :( Tapi waktu pakai ini bener-bener halus dong gak perih di kulit 🍃 dan selalu demen banget sama wangi-wanginya sensatia ! Bikin ketagihan ke tokonya terus buat purchase produk-produk lainnya ❤️