Charcoal-Mint Natural Toothpaste

Charcoal-Mint Natural Toothpaste
4.7  |  19 REVIEWS

Activated charcoal is the key ingredient in this refreshing, fluoride-free toothpaste. Charcoal is a natural teeth whitener that can reduce the signs of staining, and help promote oral health by balancing the natural bacteria in the mouth. The all-natural formula also contains kakadu plum extract, which is high in Vitamin C for healthy gums.

Key Inredients:
Calcium glycerophosphate helps neutralize acid and strengthen tooth enamel. Activated charcoal is often used as a natural teeth whitener. Kakadu plum contains Vitamin C, which may prevent periodontal disease.

USD 6.00


Natalia | Harju, Estonia
5 months ago
Best toothpaste
I like the freshness of this toothpaste and it is really whitening! And it is natural!
Maya | Indonesia
11 months ago
Great Repair
the best toothpaste ever! Gigi aku kembali putih alaminya, tapi setelah penggunaan ketiga ukuran besar
Nadea | Indonesia
1 years ago
life time fav toothpaste
Gak cuma teksturenya yang enak tapi khasiat pemakaiaannya yahud! gak perlu pake banyak, sudah bisa membantu membersihkan kotoran di gigi. Memberikan rasa segar bukan kayak makan arang. Yang terpenting, mencerahkan gigi. Aku selalu repurchase setiap bulan, love this!
Nadea | Indonesia
1 years ago
Mandatory toothpaste!
Gak cuma teksturenya yang enak tapi khasiat pemakaiaannya yahud! gak perlu pake banyak, sudah bisa membantu membersihkan kotoran di gigi. Memberikan rasa segar bukan kayak makan arang. Yang terpenting, mencerahkan gigi. Aku selalu repurchase setiap bulan, love this!
Oksana | Bali, Indonesia
1 years ago
The one
This is probably my all time favourite toothpaste ever, second comes the cinnamon one. I like to alternate but look forward to this one the best ;)