Black Volcanic Sand Natural Soap

Black Volcanic Sand Natural Soap
5  |  3 REVIEWS

The black sand in this citrus-scented soap comes from the shores of East Bali where ancient lava flows have been caressed by the sea to produce a fine, mineral-rich natural exfoliant. The combination of volcanic sand, coconut charcoal, and active plant botanicals helps remove dead skin cells and tone the skin.

Key Ingredients :
Black volcanic sand gently removes impurities for a more even skin tone. Grapefruit and rosemary oil act as natural antiseptics that fight bacteria. Lavender has a soothing effect.

USD 9.50


Ari Rahmi | Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia
7 months ago
Sabun lulur
Pengganti lulur yang praktis, scrubnya kerasa
Naflah | DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
2 years ago
Membantu Membersihkan Badan
baunya sedikit kuat, tapi gak mengganggu buatku. pas banget dipakai saat kulit terasa kotor sekali atau butuh scrub buat bantu angkat sel kulit mati yang menumpuk. Anehnya gak bikin kulit kering
Siti | West Java, Indonesia
2 years ago
Sabun favorit
sabun favorit karena wangi dan lembut buat kulit